Wednesday, August 13, 2008

School begins...

School began this week, and the kids are glad to be back, actually. Alexa started 3rd grade, and Tyler started Kindergarten. He loves his teacher and loves his class. Alexa thinks 3rd grade is fun and likes her teacher too!
Here are a few pictures of them from the week.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

misc pics

These are different pictures taken over the past few weeks. My digital camera is broken, so I'm left with my camera phone, so the quality isn't the best.

Happy Birthday Alexa

Alexa had a great weekend. She had her best friend, Tiara stay all weekend, and then some other friends stay over Saturday night, and a family party on Sunday. Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

Alexa and the president

If you know Alexa, this won't be surprising at all. She was asking me one day in the car about the war, and what all it meant and why we were there. I told her a bit about it, and she said that she would like to do something about it if she was older. She would go stand in the middle and tell everyone that they should just get along and then noone would be hurt. It was very moving, and it was really coming from her heart. She then asked if she could write the president and tell him this. I said, "Of course." So, she wrote a letter, and asked to put in a picture of herself so he could see her, so we did and sent it off. Yesterday, we got a letter back from President Bush. It was a letter written to her, and two pictures which you will see below. She was so excited and felt so special and wanted to share this with everyone. To actually see the letter, click on it.