Friday, May 30, 2008

Tyler's pre-k graduation

We are so proud of him!

They each had a small line to go up and say, and Tyler's was "I've been quiet, I have giggled."

Kids playing in pool

Coco peeping over the edge of the little pool, like she's done something wrong.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Trying out my camera phone, thought I'd share.. :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Christy's graduation and my San Francisco trip

Here is a montage of my San Francisco trip to visit Christy for her graduation. The first part of the video is before her graduation and afterwards. We then went to a lunch with her friends. From then on, is my visit with her and all the things we did and saw. We climbed the hills, hiked on a mountain, went over the Golden Gate Bridge, and drove all through the city. There are a couple of pics of some guys that were standing on the side of the road as we drove by. I had to take a picture of them as you'll see why when you see the pictures. The last few pictures are with her friends Anton, Jacamo (spell??) and Dina. We had dinner with them and they got crazy with the camera as you'll I had a ton of fun, and it was an experience I'll never forget. I'm so glad I was able to be there with Christy. I hope you enjoy the montage! This is for you Christy! I love you!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My mother's day

We spent Mother's Day a day early b/c Colin had to work Sunday. We all went to the beach with mom and hung out and had a really nice day. It was very relaxing and fun playing around with the kids. The water was finally warm enough to get into for me. Granted, it was cold at first, but you got used to it. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family, and to be surrounded by such great kids. I wouldn't trade places with anyone in the world!

And, thank you Casey for the Mother's Day card, I LOVED it!

You can see Colin's arm, and he got tackled by a wave, lol.

Here I am trying to catch a wave to the shore...old times, lol.