Friday, May 26, 2006

This will be the last post we'll get to post for awhile, b/c we are leaving on our vacation to Disney World this afternoon to meet my mom and Jim. I'm sure we'll have plenty of pictures/videos to share when we get back. Wish us a safe trip, and we are going to have tons of fun!

This is a video of Alexa singing from one of the barbie movies, "Princess and the Pauper." Can you tell she's watched this movie a lot? She has the whole song memorized!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Video of kids playing in the pool!

First day of summer vacation for us! Kids had a blast playing in the pool we got them. It was hard to drag them out of it. Kyla hung out in the swing at first, and then as it got warmer, I got in with her. She loves water and even sticks her face in it. Video is up next!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Alexa's last day of school is today! I can't believe it! My first born has finished kindergarten! Here she is also with her friend, Hannah.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

This is Tyler playing with the dogs. It's so funny, he has such a serious look on his face.

This is Kyla walking. I was trying to get her to walk straight to me for the camera, but she had other plans, lol.

This was just too cute not to post.

Today was a great day for Alexa at school. (and a tiring one for mommy) They had what is called Super Kids Day. They had bubbles, hula hoops, basketball, face painting, those things kids jump in that are inflated, musical chairs, and snacks all outside for the kids. If the kids got good grades, they stayed out for the first hour, and if they had good behavior, they got to stay out for two hours. Alexa got to stay out there for both, and it was hot! Lots of fun, but having to carry Kyla and keep track of Tyler was quite tiring in all that sun, but it was worth it to see Alexa having so much fun and so happy we were there. I would've taken pictures, but I didn't have a free hand this time.

The pic I promised-Kyla in the cabinets. She's more interested in what is in the cabinets than any toy she has!

Monday, May 22, 2006

After being sick all weekend, it was great being outside with the kids. While Alexa is in school, Tyler, Kyla, and I are playing outside. Tyler plays with sticks and Sophie follows him everywhere. Kyla experiments with the toys outside and loves the swing. We had tons of fun!

Kyla is loving walking. She is everywhere and into everything, especially the cabinets. (i'll post that pic later) I think she is going to be a hard one to keep up with b/c she thinks she can not only walk, but run. She tries to go faster than her little feet can go, and falls. If you hold her hand, she really takes off. She thinks she's such a big girl now and can go wherever her older sister and brother go. She's trying to tackle wearing shoes and walking. She used to just her bare feet. Before we know it, she's going to be running!

This weekend was quite rough for us. Alexa was sick first last week, then Tyler got it, then Kyla got it, and then Colin got it as well. I thought I was the lucky one to have not gotten sick, but save the best for last, i got it, and I got it the worst! I was sick all night Friday night, and all of Saturday. By then, everyone was well, but poor mommy, was sooo sick. By Sunday, I was feeling better, but very weak. We're all glad that the weekend is over. Colin had his hands full with the kids by himself for a day. We're all doing better now and hopefully we'll stay that way b/c this weekend is Disney World Weekend!!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Just wanted to share pictures of the other part of our family. Coco and Benny have adjusted well to Sophie joining the family. She's huge and she's only 4 months old!

Friday, May 19, 2006

No more highchair! Kyla now sits in a big girl seat, and it is so much easier to clean, and she loves it!

Alexa is off to school this morning. She's been out for the past two days w/ a stomach bug. She's all better now and ready to go. Her last day of kindergarten is next Wednesday, so she's getting excited!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I hope you enjoy the site! We'll update pics every other day or so!

Happy Mother's Day!

Colin was so sweet on Mother's Day. The day before, he took me to Destin, and it was such a sweet and relaxing day.

It was great being with him and the kids for the day.

We're creating this site as a way to show family and friends all that goes on with our family and show the kids in what new things they are doing and anything else going on.
We hope you enjoy it and visit often and feel free to leave comments for us. We love getting them!