Thursday, January 10, 2008

Couple of pics

Thought I'd put up a couple of pics of Tyler so you could see how he was rather than just hearing. He's doing great, and we are off to his doctor appointment right now. He's doing his favorite thing to do in the pics, playing video games, lol. At least it keeps him still right now, which is what the doctor wants.
Kyla is doing great as well. She is potty training, and has the peeing part down, still working on the other part.
Alexa is at school of course at this time, but she is doing wonderful in school even throughout this whole thing. She was so worried about her little brother, she didn't want to go to school, but came to hospital right afterwards. The look on her face when she came in was priceless. She loves her brother!


Mindy Bobe said...

Such a sweet litte man! And Kyla looks really good in that color! WTG on the potty training! Can't wait till that day lol!