Monday, August 24, 2009

Kyla's first day of school...

Kyla's first day of school was today and she had a great first day. Today was jammed packed full for her and myself. She was ready to go this morning and could hardly wait asking every 5 minutes if it was time to go. She was ready to see Ms. Liz, her teacher. As we were saying goodbye and trying to give her a nice big hug, she literally pushed herself away and went to go play. I think I was more nervous than her, ha ha. She is there 3 hours so I picked her up at 11:30 and she had a great day. She then had her yearly appt with the doctor that included 4 shots ugh and gymnastics at 6pm. She is fast asleep now awaiting school again tomorrow. My baby has grown up quickly on me and I am trying to keep up with her now. Here are a few pictures from this morning before we left and then a couple at the school and just a few others of Zach just staring out the window.