Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Montage 7/15/10 at

Here are a couple of videos that I put together to share. The first is of Tyler and Kyla doing their swinging thing at the park. Tyler taught Kyla how to do it and she is very proud she can do it now.
The second video I have to explain first. We bought plane tickets a month ago for Alexa and I to go visit Christy in San Fransisco in August for Alexa's 10th birthday. Alexa knew there was a big surprise but we told her it was that she could have this big birthday party wherever she wanted here in Pensacola. So, we decided to tell her where she is really going so we set it up to where I was talking to Christy on Skype about "bills" and how things were tight, ha ha..then we brought her over and explained to her why we wouldn't be able to have her "big" party and then the reason we couldn't have her big party is because we are going to San Fransisco!! I think she was in shock when she first heard but she is super excited now and is counting down the days and me too!! She gets to have one on one time with mommy and her Aunt Christy! We are leaving the 7th of August and will be back on the 11th.