Monday, August 07, 2006

Ready for school!!

Here are a few pictures of Alexa and Tyler this morning before school. I was so nervous for Tyler, but he did great!! He was reluctant when we got there, and held tightly to my hand, but the teacher took him and I disappeared out of sight, and he went straight to playing! No crying!
Alexa is posing with her new princess lunchbox and princess backpack that we got her for her birthday. We let her open them early so she could use them for school. She has to wait until Wednesday for the rest, lol.
Tyler is posing with his new superman lunchbox and the bag that First Baptist Preschool gives them to put their stuff in.
I'm home alone with one, and it is very quiet in the house. What shall I do???


Anonymous said...

I wish I was there to see them! Tell them Aunt Christy wants to hear all about school. Love you.

Mindy Bobe said...

They are so cute! Tyler looks like such a big boy with his bag and lunchbox! How did I guess that Alexa's stuff would be princess themed lol?! Give them a big kiss for me!