Monday, November 27, 2006

Coco and Sophie

These are a couple of cute videos I took while playing with Coco and Sophie. They both love fetch the ball, and they race each other every time. It's funny to watch who actually gets it. It's usually Sophie, but Coco manages to every once in awhile. In the first video, Coco actually runs the wrong way.
The second video is of Kyla wanting to throw it and have them get it. She always has to do what mommy does. :) Such a mommy's girl.


Mindy Bobe said...

Couldn't see the first video...says the video is no longer available. But the second one of Kyla throwing the ball is cute!

Mindy Bobe said...

Ok..saw it this time! They are so cute! Isn't it amazing how dogs will run after a ball over and over and over? Poor Coco! At least she never gives up lol!

Anonymous said...

Kayla did a pretty good job throwing that ball! And Coco actually got it this time, good for her!lol, poor thing.
