Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Kyla wearing panties

These are some of those pictures where I'll be able to embarrass Kyla in front of her boyfriends one day. LOL
She has decided she likes panties, so she goes in Alexa's drawers and grabs some. I have a few of Alexa's old ones. These are actually 2T-3T and they fit her perfectly. I ask her if she wants to go pee pee on potty, and she runs to the bathroom. She'll sit on the potty, but hasn't gone yet. She seems pretty interested though, and loves wearing the panties.

Had to get a back shot...


Mindy Bobe said...

How funny is this! Yes, I can just imagine the day when you bring these out in front of a boyfriend lol! Being a parent is so much fun hehehe!

Anonymous said...

Aawww! She's so cute, that's good that she's wanting to show some interest in wearing panties. Maybe potty training wouldn't be so hard with her! That's really good!


Anonymous said...

Nice fuckable ass

Anonymous said...

no kidding! her knickers wouldn't be on for long if I was alone with her, if the c--t isn't ready the ass is, if the ass isn't ready the mouth is, no such thing as too young

Anonymous said...

i agree i would bun f u ck her and finger her c u nt

Anonymous said...

yes her ass can take it it will stretch, the good thing is at her age mummy has babylotion or oil around for lube, it feels so good just holding her tight as your co ck penetrates her tight sphincter, kiss her and hold her as youcum, o nice to cuddle after and see your cumdrip out

Anonymous said...

i would love sexwith a baby girl